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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Come home to your own piece of paradise. At Kihei Bay Vista, an oasis awaits, where stunning lush greenery abounds and a dip in the ocean is close by. This quaint, vaulted 1 bedroom unit offers a warm cozy feeling with newer carpeting, neutral-colored ceramic tile, and freshly painted walls. The fully stocked kitchen has black appliances, updated cabinets, soft-close drawers, and granite countertops. Strategically placed recessed and track lights provide the kitchen with soft, adequate lighting for busy meal preparations. The bathroom shower was updated with ceramic tile from tub to ceiling in 2017. Kitchen and bathroom tiles make for durable and easy care. To save you time & energy, this condo comes with an in-unit washer and dryer. Just imagine how you can make catching world-class sunsets at Kalepolepo Beach, your new daily routine. Kihei Bay Vista is close to public transit and proximity to Pi'ilani Shopping Village, Azeka Marketplace, and Kukui Mall. Grocers, restaurants, and amenities are in close reach but a 15-20 minute drive in either direction will take you to more of what Maui has to offer. This property is on the Minatoya List. Please consult your agent for further information about its potential use as a short-term rental.
679 Kihei Rd D205 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Fine Island Properties Llc Cell: 808-868-2102
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