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Condo in Kihei - South Maui Maui
Hale Kamaole #225 is a well maintained and tropically appointed, 778 s.f., 2nd floor, 1 bedroom/1 bath, end unit. The floor plan is noticeably wide & lives larger than many other S. Maui condo 1 bedroom units. It is being sold 'turn-key' Furnished. The unit features an extra 'floor to ceiling' fixed window in the dining area with adjacent louvers allowing for additional natural light and ventilation. There are larger tile floors throughout allowing for less grout lines which creates a smooth and uninterrupted surface making rooms feel more spacious. The kitchen features newer appliances and white cabinets which reflect natural light, making the kitchen feel more open and welcome. The bathroom is clean and offers neutral and timeless colors and has been upgraded with tasteful floor to ceiling tile in the shower. The light-filled bedroom is spacious and has extra-wide, eight-foot high, mirrored closet sliding doors. There is a wall unit A.C. to keep the temperature comfortable on those warm days and a convenient in-closet washer/dryer. The bedroom also features a large owner's closet for long-term storage. The covered lanai is a great spot to relax at the end of the day with your favorite beverage. Hale Kamaole offers ample parking which is conveniently adjacent to the building and in close proximity to the unit. You can conveniently access two lovely on-site pools, tennis court and BBQ area. There are 7.8 acres of lushly landscaped grounds at the property. Many vacationers favor being as far South in Kihei as possible & Hale Kamaole is revered for its location just across S. Kihei Road from Kamaole Beach Park III. The Kihei boat ramp is a minute away to access snorkel, dive, & fishing boat adventures. The world-class Wailea Resort is just a few minutes South of the complex and features The Shops at Wailea offering fine dining, shopping, a supermarket & resort amenities; the Wailea Tennis Center, & the Gold, Blue & Emerald Golf Courses.
2737 Kihei Rd 225 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Maui Real Estate Advisors Llc 808-875-4444
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