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Kaanapali - West Maui
We are proud to offer the Ali’i 212 for sale. Experience the pure elegance of this completely renovated home. Situated on the highly desired ground floor, this home is located at the very popular Ka’anapali Ali’i, one of Hawaii's finest ocean front condominium properties. This home offers one Primary bedroom and bath, plus a den that has been upgraded into a 2nd guest accommodation, complete with its own private bath. The living room, dining and kitchen open out to the lanai, offering seamless indoor/outdoor living. Its kitchen offers custom Sapele Cabinetry and custom Sapele plantation style interior doors. Recent upgrades made by the owner include microwave, range, stove top, refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, queen bed in the den, a smart TV in living room, TV cabinet, king mattress in the Primary bedroom and assorted lighting throughout the home. The kitchen is truly a gourmet experience, with restocked kitchen utensils, pots and pans etc. The Ka'anapali Ali’i truly offers resort living at its finest, with amenities such as the ocean front pool, spa, barbecues and tennis courts. Want to exercise? Simply visit its health club, yoga facility or massage therapy rooms. Price very attractively, this home is certainly a “must consider” for the savvy buyer.
50 Nohea Kai Dr 212 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Susan Jackson Real Estate Cell: 865-206-1234
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