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Vacant Land in Kapalua - West Maui Maui
One of the last remaining building lots at the upscale Pineapple Hill subdivision with captivating ocean, sunsets, Lanai and Molokai views! A new home with stunning modern features has been designed by a well known local architect who can customize many features per your desires. This home design is an "age-in-place" concept including a pneumatic glass enclosed elevator and other barrier free features. Both the home and landscaping designs have been previously approved by the Pineapple Hill Design Review Committee and are available for purchase separately. The construction documents are ready to submit to Maui County for permit approval. The stone flooring, extraordinary kitchen cabinets, stone counters, appliances, furniture, and many other design aspects are all ready for you to review and approve or change as desired. Solar power, sun-drenched interior, two large lanais, a separate entrance for wet swimmers, hot tub, water features, 2 car garage...this house will have it all. Located in Pineapple Hill with all its wonderful amenities including an oversized community swimming pool, renovated community center and party pavilion, tennis and pickleball courts, and organized activities. Walking distance to restaurants, beaches, snorkeling, and Dragon's Teeth cliffs and maze, and the player friendly Kapalua Bay Course. The Plantation Course at Kapalua is home to the annual PGA Sentry Tournament of Champions which features the winners from the previous year plus the top 30 golfers in the previous year's FEDEX Cup standings.
308 Cook Pine Dr Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Prop-Kp Cell: 808-870-7060
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