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Kihei - South Maui
Discover the unparalleled convenience and luxury of Kai Ani Village Unit 3-109, a unique multi-level condominium situated in the vibrant heart of South Kihei. This rare work/live opportunity boasts a two-car garage and is designed to cater to both your residential and business needs. The ground floor is fully ADA accessible and offers an ideal space for your business or generate rental income from a commercial tenant. This 500 Sq Ft commercial space features air conditioning for year-round comfort, a convenient half bathroom, and direct access with high-traffic visibility from South Kihei Road. Ascend to the upper levels to find a beautifully appointed living area with 2 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 modern bathrooms, high-quality finishes and stone countertops, and partial ocean views that add a touch of tranquility to your everyday life. Kai Ani Village places you in proximity to an array of shopping, dining, entertainment, and beaches, ensuring a lifestyle of convenience and leisure. This location also offers your business high visibility and access to one of Maui's busiest foot and car traffic areas. Enjoy the luxurious amenities that Kai Ani Village has to offer, including an infinity swimming pool, barbecue facilities, and pool-side cabanas for relaxation and socializing. Experience the perfect blend of work and leisure at Kai Ani Village Unit 3-109, where your home and business can thrive in one of South Kihei's most sought-after locations.
1367 Kihei Rd 3-109 Kihei 96753 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Maui Prop-L
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