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Wailuku - Central Maui
Sitting on a hillside, the Villas at Kehalani are known for some units having big ocean views. Unit 1002 has one of the BEST ocean and Haleakala views in the complex! Building 10 has superior views for two reasons: It’s located in the second row on a higher incline versus other rows resulting in increased elevation over the front row, and secondly, it’s perched over the open span of the gated entrance. This creates huge panoramic views even from the living areas on the first level. (Many units have limited ocean views and only from upstairs.) The cool breezes that flow over the master planned Kehalani community means you rarely use the central A/C. The moderate Wailuku weather makes for comfortable mornings on your lanai with a cup of coffee or at the end of the day with a glass of wine. The original upgrades from the developer included acacia hardwood floors on the ground level, crown molding throughout the home, 20” tile in the kitchen, bathrooms and lanai, closet organizers, and upgraded appliances. Recent improvements included having the kitchen cabinets and island refinished, new carpet installed upstairs, new water heater, as well as many other details being attended. Have your Realtor call so you can see this home in person TODAY!
41 Kokea St 1002 Wailuku 96793 is listed Courtesy of Island Sotheby's Int'l Rlty(W) Cell: 808-856-6200
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