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Single Family Home
Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
There are two types of people in this world - those that live on the ocean and those that do not. Hale Malia (home of calm waters) has been known as the crown jewel of Maui oceanfront for over 50 years. Situated on a quiet, private, gated road and one of only 6 homes sites, 29 Hale Malia stands out as the premier lot. This family Hawaiian style estate has never before been offered for sale. Situated halfway between the Kaanapali and Kapalua resorts with easy access to shops and restaurants, nothing else really compares. 29 Hale Malia sits high up on a solid lava embankment with easy access to the ocean and fantastic snorkeling, fishing and diving. This area is known to have a large turtle population for hours of viewing enjoyment. The vintage Hawaiian style home, designed by Hans Riecke, has been lovingly cared for by the original owners for almost 50 years and is in wonderful condition. Mature landscaping with native trees and shrubs add to the feeling of old Hawaii on this property. 29 Hale Malia is situated with a Westerly expansive view of the islands of Lanai and Molokai in the distance as well as fantastic sunsets year round. No ocean or land based erosion issues have ever been experienced on this property in the past. 29 Hale Malia has multiple living opportunities. This residence is vacant and easy to show. Home is priced almost $2,000,000 under recent appraisal.
29 Hale Malia Pl Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Moffett Properties Llc Cell: 808-870-6794
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