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Single Family Home in Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio - Upcountry Maui Maui
Are you in search of a family retreat, a lucrative investment opportunity, or perhaps fulfilling your dream of residing in the picturesque locale of Kula? This property offers a plethora of flexible options to suit your desires. Nestled in the heart of Kula, these two homes offer privacy with separately fenced yards, making them ideal for a family compound or an investment property. Step inside and be greeted by the warmth and charm of the interiors, where modern comforts seamlessly blend with rustic accents. The main home boasts an oversized kitchen perfect for gourmet meals, a dream-worthy home office or potential third bedroom, and a primary suite that treats you to ocean views from its private lanai, along with a luxurious walk-in steam shower. Outside, the backyard is a haven for relaxation and entertainment, featuring a covered entertainment area and a mini orchard brimming with apple, pear, peach, Surinam cherry, cherimoya, Brazilian grape, orange, lemon, and dragon fruit trees. For sustainability and energy efficiency, the main home is equipped with a grid-tied Photovoltaic system with battery backup. Whether you're seeking a family retreat, an investment opportunity, or fulfilling your dream of living in Kula, this property offers endless possibilities to suit your needs.
83 Kulalani Dr Kula 96790 is listed Courtesy of Island Sotheby's Int'l Rlty(M) Cell: 808-283-9613
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