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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Beachfront Makani Sands Suite #102. Makani Sands is a boutique beachfront property with 30 units, located just north of Kaanapali. This beautiful one-bedroom condominium surrounds you with traditional Hawaiian feel and decor in your own beachfront home by the sea and close to stores and farmers market! There is a full kitchen with all the amenities, conventional appliances and a microwave oven as well. The beachside BBQ is a great place to meet family and friends while grilling your fresh island fish. Dine on your Oceanfront lanai while enjoying the spectacular golden sunsets over the pacific with Molokai and Lanai as your backdrop. The building has photovoltaic (solar) which helps offset operating expenses and there is a swimming pool and BBQ grills. Sea turtles frequent the shoreline here, and the winter whale watching is incredible. Maintenance fee includes electricity. Sunbathe on the lanai, snorkel off your sandy beach or swim in the pool, all within a few feet of your door.
3765 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 102 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Greg Smith Broker Inc
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