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Single Family Home
Makahuena Estates - Koloa
Brand new and glorious Po?ipu Beach ocean view home at the island’s new premier oceanfront subdivision.
Enjoy luxury living from this newly completed home within the oceanfront neighborhood of Makahu‘ena Estates. Set on 1 acre, the stunning coastal residence with dedicated ocean views and direct access to the bluffs overlooking the vast Pacific presents as a gathering place with more than ample room for family and friends.
View the video here (copy & paste into browser): https://tinyurl.com/mry3z26h
This high touch ocean centric home begins with a great room that emphasizes continuous sea view perspectives while also tending to necessities like a spacious well-equipped kitchen and butler’s pantry, expansive living area and an adjoining poolside lanai where you will invariably elect to dine. Or choose to conclude the day from the second floor deck for sunset drinks.
The 4 bedroom, 1 flex room, 5.5 bath home with 3 bay garage is designed to provide each room with ocean vistas.
Play all day on beautiful Kaua‘i then return to your residence at Makahu‘ena Estates for restoration time by the pool and spa and a starry night knowing that you own a one-of-a-kind home.
LAND AREA: 1.004 Acres
HOME: 3,954 SF
LANAI: 1,702 SF
GARAGE: 3 car 704 SF
KITCHEN: High end GE Monogram appliances + full butler’s pantry
AMENITIES: Pool + Spa, Covered and exposed lanai areas, hiking trail to beach
OCEANVIEWS: Views are assured via recorded easements
2239 Maka Pl Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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