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Koloa Beach - Koloa
This is a leasehold property.
This 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo at Kiahuna Plantation in Poipu Beach, Kauai is perfectly positioned to maximize the best of beachside living. Located on the top floor of a 2-story building just steps away from the beach, Unit 184 enjoys outstanding ocean views. There are only 6 units in this building, making it refreshingly calm for a condo that is within walking distance to Poipu Beach’s shops and dining establishments. The advantage of this unit having a corner location is there are three oversized, floor-to-ceiling louvers which are an attractive alternative to a shared wall, inviting the tradewinds into its dining area, kitchen, and bedroom.
Plantation shutters and Fleetwood sliding doors in the living room open up to the lanai, complementing the flow of light and tropical breezes. Relax on one of the lanai’s chaise lounges and listen to the waves, or catch your favorite show on the living room’s TV. And the living room’s sofa folds out into a queen sleeper to accommodate guests. There is also a TV in the bedroom, as well as a king size bed and an extra locked storage closet. The well-equipped kitchen has Corian countertops with a built-in sink. Corian countertops can also be found in the bathroom, which includes a remodeled shower with a luxurious waterfall panel system featuring a rainfall shower head for a spa-like experience.
This oceanside condo has an in-unit washer/ dryer, a rare offering for these units. Located in the Visitor Destination Area (VDA), the residence has been available as a vacation rental and income statements are available upon request. Proximity to Poipu Beach, ocean swimming, shopping, dining, outdoor activities, and the beauty of Kauai’s sunny South Shore make a winning combination out of this island dream. There’s no need for shoes when you can walk out of Unit 184 and bury your toes in the sand in minutes.
To tour the inside copy & paste: https://player.vimeo.com/video/785255583
2253 Poipu Rd 184 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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