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Single Family Home in Waialeale Estates - Kawaihau Kauai
Gorgeous 3 bedroom/ 3 bathroom home with office/den. The home sits on a rim offering an amazing view of the Makaleha Mountain and waterfalls after a good rainfall.
This quality home features a great design and high end finishes :
*Custom folding patio doors that allows for seamless access from the dining and living to the patio for indoor/outdoor island living
*Open living, dining, and kitchen area
*9ft ceilings in the kitchen and dining area
*Custom vaulted wood ceiling in the living area
*Caesarstone kitchen countertops
*Stainless steel appliances and gas stove
*Split system air conditioning in the open living area, office/den, and all of the bedrooms
*Granite countertop and marble countertop in bathrooms
*Tile flooring downstairs
*Brazilian cherry hardwood stairs and flooring upstairs
*Covered backyard patio area with quartzite stone flooring
*Custom side yard gates and a fully fenced backyard
*Private entry for office/den downstairs
*Lush backyard oasis with raised garden beds and terracing for growing your own food
*Papaya, banana, and citrus trees
*Storage shed on the side of the house for all of your beach and yard toys
*18 Photovoltaic panels and Tesla Battery to power your home that is owned outright
*Solar water heater
*Newer washer and dryer
Conveniently located in Kapaa, close to Kealia beach, the 7.2 scenic Ke Ala Hele Makalae multi-use coastal path, and the conveniences of Kapaa town.
5165 Kahana St Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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