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Vacant Land in Moloaa & Kaapuna Hui Lands - Kawaihau Kauai
This is a rare & unique once in a lifetime opportunity to be the steward of 25ac of land that can best be described as a Garden of Eden. Year round Moloa'a Stream runs through the property, dividing the parcel into 2 separate & distinct areas of land: the 15ac world renowned One Love Gardens-Organic fruit farm & a 9ac area of raw land w/ a phenomenal 180° distant ocean view from the top of the property. There is over 2k ft of stream frontage w/ 2 fanciful swimming holes. To have a water feature running through your property in Hawaii is a blessing.
There are 5 permitted agricultural buildings on the property 1 has its own solar array. There is a metal frame greenhouse. The property has its own private well w/ a brand new well pump.
One can build a house in a year's time, but it would take 25 years to create the "food for life" infrastructure that is already in place.150 mature, fruit, bearing trees: Mango , Lychee, Avocados, Banana, Mac Nut, Citrus, Soursop, Jackfruit, Breadfruit, Starfruit, Eggfruit, tropical cherries, 75 mature coconut palms (tall & dwarf) & more. Flowering trees like Puakenekene, Paklan, Hibiscus, Plumeria, Gardenia, Nite Blooming Jasmine & Bougainvillea, Hardwoods like Rainbow Eucalyptus & even a mini Rudraksha forest the sacred tree of India. The property has been organic since day 1. No pesticides have ever been used.
The subdivision is in its final stages of development. The property comes w/ a $370k credit towards future development costs, which are primarily on the 9ac portion of the property. The land comes w/ the right to build 3 homes.
Make no mistake about it, lands like these rarely come onto the market for sale. These types of projects are primarily generational lands that are handed down & kept. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
6565-C Koolau Rd Anahola 96746 is listed Courtesy of Oceanfront Sotheby's International Realty
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