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Single Family Home in Moloaa Hui Lands - Kawaihau Kauai
AUCTION BIDDING OPEN: Bidding ends June 18. Previously Listed $3.5M. Current High Bid 2.1 M. No Reserve
Located on a point with 200 degree panoramic Pacific ocean and bay views. An amazing location that brings breathtaking views, tropical breezes, and soothing ocean sounds into every room. At certain times of the year you can see the sun rise and set over the Pacific on the same day. There is very little beachfront left on Kauai at this price.
Full turnkey vacation rental that holds an active transient vacation rental license. AKA TVR. TVRs are very rare and coveted outside the vacation destination areas . TVR licenses may add significant extra value to a property.
If you are looking for privacy this is the house and beach for you. Secluded snorkeling, fishing, surfing and beachcombing awaits you.
Over 700 square feet of livable lanai space in addition to the 2138 s.f. house. The lanai downstairs is constructed out of beautiful and indigenous Ipe wood.
Additionally, the large outdoor lawn fronting the ocean is an amazing space for gathering.
The house is a well-designed split level with dining room, living room half bath and master bedroom on the top level. The great room has vaulted ceilings and numerous windows that bring the spectacular ocean views indoors. The lower level has two comfortable bedrooms with an ensuite bathroom in one and door leading out to the outdoor lanai. There is a fully enclosed hot water outdoor shower with finished rock tile flooring. Perfectly private and perfectly situated for when you come in and want to shower off after a day at the beach.
Septic system shared with cottage next door. Large laundry room attached to a large double garage and large storage room within the garage.
4880 Aliomanu Rd Anahola 96703 is listed Courtesy of Oceanfront Sotheby's International Realty
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