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Lucas Tract - Kawaihau
This gorgeous 3 bed, 2 bath Renovated upstairs corner condominium at Kawaihau Sports Villas feels more like a house than a condo! Very spacious with tasteful upgrades and Dynamic mountain Views! Beautiful Vaulted Ceilings, Split AC System in the Living Room and Master Bedroom, Solar Hot Water, Large screened in Lanai and Bonus Loft that can be used as an office. So Many Upgrades and Extras, This stunning condominium is a Must See!
* Split AC in the Living Room and Main Bedroom
* Window AC in Guest Bedroom
* Beautiful New Vinyl Windows in the Kitchen, Dining Area, Living Area, Master Bedroom and 2nd Bedroom and additional sliding window installed in the bathroom
* New Vanity in 2nd Bathroom with new plumbing and new shower head
* Main Bath has new plumbing, new tile, new vanities, double sinks and a special order Rain Shower
* Gorgeous upgraded Kitchen with new plumbing, new windows, newer appliances and soft close pull out drawers
* Newer Screens on both lanais
* Custom made Sun Shades
* Newer Ceiling fans
* Bonus Upstairs Loft with custom staircase, currently used as an office
* Roof and Solar Panels replaced in 2022
* Exterior Repainted 2023
* Pets are allowed
Located just minutes from Kealia Beach, the beautiful multi use bike path and bustling Kapaa town with restaurants and shops.
4701 Kawaihau Rd A202 Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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