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Single Family Home
Anahola Aliomanu - Kawaihau
Celebrate the charm of yesteryear with the opportunity to own a timeless fully remodeled beach cottage. Blessed with delightful year-round weather and refreshing breezes, the locale is enhanced by the feeling of old Hawaii with a rural allure against the backdrop of Kalalea mountain. Conveniently situated midway between Kapaa town and the attractions of the north shore, this property offers a perfect blend of seclusion and accessibility.
Adding to its inherent charm, this 1928 plantation-style home has undergone a meticulous remodeling process, thoughtfully executed in the Hawaiian plantation style. Every aspect of the renovation has been carefully considered to pay homage to the architectural traditions of the islands while incorporating modern conveniences seamlessly.
Beyond the visual appeal, this remodeling effort goes deeper, enhancing the structural integrity of the property and incorporating modern amenities for a comfortable lifestyle. The result is a home that not only preserves the authentic charm of the Hawaiian plantation style but elevates it to meet the expectations of today's discerning homeowners.
4752 Aliomanu Rd Anahola 96703 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kauai
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