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Single Family Home in Milolii Beach Lots Subdivision - South Kona Hawaii
Spectacular ocean front property! Former home was burned in a fire but much of the main floor remains and the concrete driveway and house pad are intact. This is one of the largest lots in the subdivision. The existing concrete saves you tens of thousands of dollars! Previous home was a 4 bedroom, 3 bath layout with a living room/dining room combination featuring a covered lanai, plenty of windows, and sliding doors from the upper bedrooms that open to a large lanai. Best thing - the original plans are included with the sale! Use the existing plans to re-imagine YOUR DREAM HOME with modern finishes. The existing footprint sets your home forward past other homes giving you an unimpeded view of the pacific blue and amazing sunsets! Step out onto the 2nd floor lanai set high above the water maximizing your views! Listen to the waves crashing agains the cliffs as you settle in to watch the whales migrating right in front of YOUR property! The concrete path to the ocean ledge is unique to this property! Parking for at least 5 vehicles under the original standing carport, and plenty of room for more. The flexible floor plan is perfect for full-time living, but maybe you have your sites set on a vacation rental? Huge potential in this property with the original blueprints. Much of the main floor structure can be used so remodeling can save you thousands in time, materials, and costs.
88-127 Kai Ave Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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