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Single Family Home
Kaawaloa - Makai - South Kona
Accepting Backup Offers. Introducing an extraordinary opportunity on the Big Island, a rare gem boasting an unparalleled, breathtaking long ocean coastline views throughout the property! Views looking out to the City of Refuge and Pu?uhonua o Honaunau National Park where Two Step is located. Views expand from slopes of Mauna Loa down to the Kona Coast; from the mountain to the sea!
Conveniently located just outside of Kailua-Kona town at the top bluffs of Kealakekua Marine Conservation Bay and Captain Cook Monument trail. On highly desirable Makahiki Lane!
This sustainable gentleman's farm offers the perfect blend of luxury living and natural beauty. Custom nature inspired 3 bed, 2.5 bath single level home, thoughtfully designed for both relaxation and functionality. Living area opens up to a vast lanai with pocket doors and screens on both sides creating a unique indoor outdoor living environment. Rejoice in a 40 foot swimming pool or a new efficient jacuzzi gazing upon majestic views.
~ Over 3,600 sqft of Total Indoor and Outdoor Living Area approximately
~ Attractive Split Style Floor Plan
~ Separate Entrances to all Bedrooms
~ Private Outdoor Rockwall Shower and Indoor Jetted Tub
~ Primary Suite has Motorized Solar Shades on all Windows
~ Solar Heated Pool with 12 ten-foot solar water heating panels
~ Concrete Stamped Staircases and Paths
~ Farm-to-Table experience in your own Terraced Rock Garden offering a variety of plantings.
~ Hens in a Hen House, frequently giving off eggs
~ 6 Fenced Paddocks with Rotating Sheep, great for grass maintenance and pets!
~ Variety Fruit Tree Orchard, such as: 4 types Mangos, Avocado, Citrus and More!
~ Fully Fenced, Rockwalls and Gated Entrance
Indulge in nearby ocean activities: swimming, snorkeling, paddle boarding, diving, fishing, boating, kayaking.
More: https://hawaiian-virtual-tours.aryeo.com/sites/dpokrke/unbranded
81-860 Makahiki Ln Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kona
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