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Single Family Home
Waimea Homesteads - South Kohala
This prestigious Nob Hill address, known as 'The Big House on the Hill,' has been home for many Waimea families since its construction in 1988. Now, it represents an unparalleled opportunity at the pinnacle of Waimea Town, offering exceptional value and potential. Since acquiring the property in 2022, the sellers have invested approx. $1 million in enhancements. The 41,510 sqft lot alone is valued over a million dollars. The property has breathtaking views extending to the Gold Coast, Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai, and Maui, and is located just five minutes from two Presidential award-winning college prep schools. Securely gated and surrounded by a new hand-built rock wall, this estate offers privacy and security for pets and residents. This is your chance to embrace an enviable lifestyle within a supportive small community on the Big Island and to complete an abruptly halted renovation. The project was paused due to an unexpected return to the mainland for health reasons, but the sellers have already infused their vision and talent into costly upgrades, leaving ample room for you to tailor the home to your personal preferences. Recent upgrades include AC, heating, dehumidification systems, water purification, upgraded electrical and plumbing, expansive lighting, a commercial-sized laundry room, and a doubled kitchen with a large walkthrough pantry. Two new fireplaces have been added, bringing the total to five, all-gas powered. The great room and principal bath suite have also been enlarged. Top of the line Wolf and Sub-Zero appliances, along with three commercial-grade Miele dishwashers, four new washers and dryers, electric window coverings, new Toto toilets, and a brand-new sports court for pickleball. The roof has been restored and a foyer added with new basalt stairs leading to the entrance. This home is being sold AS-IS, in its current condition—giving you the chance to bring your inspectors, architects, and contractors to realize its full potential.
65-1298 Opelo Rd Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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