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Single Family Home
Waikoloa Village - South Kohala
Back on the market at no fault to the seller. 3 bedroom, 2 bath single-level home, on a fully fenced corner lot. This property offers views of the Kohala mountains right from your living room and front yard. With a new roof that is only 2 years old!
Step inside to find a touch of luxury in every corner. The kitchen is a visual treat with African mahogany cabinets, yellow marble countertops and updated appliances. The "Nyatoh" hardwood flooring in the living room and bedrooms brings warmth and richness, while the tiled floors in the kitchen, hall, and baths maintain a chic and clean aesthetic. The doors, casings, and baseboards are all made out of high-quality mahogany, accompanied by refined bronze cabinet hardware. You can access the trellis-covered lanai from the great room boasting travertine tile. Modern touches, including recessed lighting and ceiling fans in nearly every room, go hand in hand with the energy efficiency of solar water heating.
The primary bedroom is designed with convenience and style in mind, complete with an en suite and custom-finished closet, along with an additional linen closet.
Storage is abundant with a two-car enclosed garage, complete with additional attic storage accessible via pull-down steps, and an 8 X 10 outdoor storage shed.
The spacious, fully fenced yard offers an excellent area filled with a variety of plants including fig, citrus, and tangerine trees, jacaranda, plumeria, night-blooming jasmine, Aloe, and bird of paradise, promising to be a vibrant, botanical paradise.
The nearby Waikoloa Highlands Center and the new Waikoloa Plaza are for all your shopping and dining needs. Also, close to some of your favorite beaches at Mauna Lani and Hupuna!
As a homeowner in Waikoloa Village, you'll be a member of the Waikoloa Village Association, which offers an updated aquatic center, tennis courts, a Golf course, and even an equestrian stable. Visit www.waikoloa.org for more details.
68-1772 Puu Nui St Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Nexthome Paradise Realty
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