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Single Family Home in Sunset Ridge At Waikoloa - South Kohala Hawaii
This brand new build at Waikoloa Village’s Sunset Ridge enjoys incredible ocean and mountain views that will inspire you from the minute you walk in. With new architectural details, impressive amenities, and dramatic design features to suit your individual taste, this home will not disappoint.
Designed with curb appeal in mind, the light fixtures and exterior colors have been tastefully selected. The home plan features a wrap-around, covered lanai to enjoy the year-round sunset views, a 16-foot slider in the great room, a Fujitsu split-zoned A/C system, an oversized garage, luxury vinyl plank flooring throughout, solar hot water and attic fan, solid surface countertops, a vaulted great room ceiling, elegant, 8-foot high interior doors enhancing the open floor plan, and much, much more.
When you invest in a property at Sunset Ridge, you don’t just buy a house. You buy an unforgettable view and a house on the ridge comes with it. Floor Plan SR1 is a 3 bedroom/2 bath design with 1,806 square feet of living space. The entrance to the residence leads from the foyer to the great room and the unforgettable ocean views.
This Hawaiian Classic exterior plan boasts a large 2 car garage, a front and rear lanai of 907 square feet to optimize the outdoor living experience.
This home is one of the final 10 homes to be constructed at Sunset Ridge. Completion of the home is expected in mid to late 2024. Please do not go on property without the Listing Agent being present.
68-1712 Kilakila St Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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