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Single Family Home
Lalamilo Farm Lots - South Kohala
This distinguished Waimea landmark estate on the Big Island of Hawaii nestled between the Kohala mountain range and the revered mountains of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai with 360-degree views surrounding the property, is a private and modern home within a rural community. The 10.46-acre lot is zoned AG-5 which may be able to subdivide into two five acre lots; the possibility is a rare situation for Waimea. The home offers a luxurious house-healthy lifestyle that is powered by nature: a photovoltaic system with ninety-two solar panels grid-tied to conventional energy, central air and water purification, central AC, heat, and dehumidifier systems all using energy from the sun. Fully furnished with collectible pieces including a gorgeous baby grand piano and a highly curated art collection. Two sources of water: county and agriculture for sustainability and lower costs. Reduce your carbon footprint without sacrificing comfort or luxury in this 5,219 sqft. home with four suites, four- and one-half baths, three lanais and a comfortably large multipurpose room. There is historically proven and recorded data confirming the extremely rare nature of the soil in this area known as Lalamilo. Sustainable living, sustainable future, this property has 10+ years of history for producing some of the most rarified, 100% certified organic vegetables and fruit on the island. Currently not in operation, one could restore production very quickly and easily utilizing the skills and knowledge of the farm manager who lives next door. Other ideas for the land are a flower operation, specialty coffee, educational venue, private or personal chef gardens or just simply live and enjoy the privacy and space on 10.46 acres. Be part of an expanding and inspired culture of younger, successful, talented new residents who have so much to offer and especially here on the Big Island. Beauty and sustainability come together on this iconic estate only minutes from the heart of historic Waimea Town.
66-1434 Puu Huluhulu Rd Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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