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Multi-Family in Puueo Lots - South Hilo Hawaii
This unique and nicely renovated multi-family property, featuring three charming homes on one lot. Originally built in 1929, they exude historical charm while boasting modern updates for contemporary living. The recent renovations include new roofs, new floors, new kitchens, new bathrooms new paint of walls, all rewired electric and all new plumbing, and a brand new asphalt driveway to provide ample parking spaces, ensuring convenience for residents and guests alike.
There are two 2-bedroom and 1-bath homes, and the third home is a large 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom residence, ideal for a growing family or as an owner's unit, living one and rent out two. Two of the three homes feature pleasant layouts with modern kitchens, quartz countertops, well-appointed bathrooms, and generous living areas, providing plenty of room for relaxation and entertaining.
Although the property is under one Tax Key Number, there are three different addresses and have separated electric meters. It is easier for the owner to rent it out and without trouble of sorting out of bills.
Each home has been updated to combine the charm of the past with the comforts of today, making this property an excellent investment opportunity or a wonderful place to call home. With its prime location---minutes to downtown Hilo, updated features, and flexible living arrangements, this multi-family property is a rare find. Don't miss the chance to own a piece of history with all the benefits of modern living.
366 Lehua St Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker Llc
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