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Vacant Land in Onomea Bay - South Hilo Hawaii
27-290 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, located on the Onomea Bay Scenic Route, an exquisite 40 acre parcel, oceanfront bordering Kawainui Stream. Listed along with the neighboring property, 3-2-7-10-27 create an 80 acre estate comprised of Waterfalls, streams, a private pebble beach and thousands of feet of ocean bluff frontage. With outrageous ocean views, including Hilo Bay, this premier property is a rare offering in the State of Hawaii.
These iconic properties encompass all that the Hamakua Coast is famous for; wondrous waterfalls, massive ocean views, deep fertile soil, large acreage properties all within close proximity to Hilo.
Currently planted in hardwood trees including African and Honduras Mahogany, Teak, and Queensland Maple. The trees were planted 20+ years ago and are just now reaching the size to harvest. Use the wood to build your homes on this property. Place your building site with views of the waterfall, or of the ocean with Hilo Bay in the background. The options are limitless.
Fronted by an Arica Palm hedge, the northern boundary line is fenced.
Electricity and Spectrum cable are available.
The property has access roads that lead from the gate to the bluff and run the perimeter of the lot.
Located 10-15 minutes from quaint Hilo town with it's restaurants, hospital, and university.
The Onomea Bay Botanical Garden sits within a mile of the property. Lush tropical living is available here, at 40 acres there is ample space to create a home where the only sounds you hear are the waves crashing along the coast.
With the outrageous natural beauty that this property encompasses, there is a level of stewardship that is offered, to be able to care for a resource for generations to come.
27-920 Old Mamalahoa Highway Pepeekeo 96783 is listed Courtesy of Big Island Homes & Land Co., Ltd.
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