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Vacant Land in Royal Hawaiian Estates - Puna Hawaii
Discover this newly renovated off-grid gem in the secluded Royal Hawaiian Estates, offering 1010 SQFT of living space. This charming 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, plus large upstairs loft non-permitted cottage presents a unique opportunity for sustainable living. Equipped with a composting toilet, it embraces eco-friendly practices. Tesla solar panels ensure a steady supply of renewable energy, while a rainwater catchment system provides an independent, sustainable water source. The property also includes a water filtration system for purified tap water. Nestled on nearly half an acre, you'll find avocado trees, banana groves, Ohia trees, and more. Located just 7 minutes from Volcano National Park, this elevated spot offers cool, comfortable temperatures. Additional features include a 12x8 shed and an outdoor hot water shower. Experience the perfect balance of sustainability and comfort in this off-grid paradise. Front lot TMK 3-1-1-15-87 is available for purchase for $32,000 only with the purchase of this flag lot TMK 3-1-1-15-88.
11-3272-A Mokuna St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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