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Vacant Land in Royal Hawaiian Estates - Puna Hawaii
Looking to immerse yourself in the laid-back island lifestyle and vibrant culture of Volcano Village? Here's your chance to invest in your own piece of paradise within the picturesque Royal Hawaiian Estates. This .49-acre vacant lot awaits, ready for you to create the home of your dreams. Embark on adventures in the captivating Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, then delve into the local charm at the Sunday Farmers Market or unwind with wine tastings at nearby wineries. Take leisurely strolls through the enchanting Orchid Farm, all while enjoying the freedom from CC&R's, allowing your creativity to flourish. Discover the hidden gem of Volcano Village, nestled in the lush rainforest just moments from the park's entrance. With its thriving artistic community, cozy accommodations, and array of activities, Volcano Village offers an unforgettable experience amidst the natural wonders of the Big Island. Experience the tropical climate and breathtaking landscapes that define life in Royal Hawaiian Estates. With its warm year-round temperatures and stunning scenery, this prime piece of land provides the perfect backdrop for embracing the island lifestyle. Don't miss out on the opportunity to turn your vision of Volcano Village living into reality with this exceptional offering in Royal Hawaiian Estates! Life in Royal Hawaiian Estates on the Big Island of Hawaii offers a serene and peaceful living experience, surrounded by native Ohia forests and close to the amenities of Volcano Village and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
11-3145 Mokuna St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Equity Hawaii Real Estate Llc
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