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Single Family Home in Royal Hawaiian Estates - Puna Hawaii
This brand new, fresh and creatively designed Custom Home is now on Market with the adjoining right rear lot (Parcel 113) and the adjoining front lot (Parcel 140) available (but not included at List price), creating a 1.22 acres "mini Estate" and opening up the possibility of a business as the front lot has 80 feet of State Highway frontage. The front, side and garage are all visually united with a wainscot of stonelike porcelain tiles. The spacious attached 484 sq. ft. garage is separated from the home by a wide breezeway that offers direct access to the home, garage side door and the back yard, adding an additional 468 sq. ft. of covered space. The front Entrance opens into a spacious Great Room with Electric Fireplace that includes both living room and kitchen. The kitchen includes high end Samsung stainless steel sealed cooktop range/oven and matching side by side fridge/freezer. Countertops are custom fabricated natural granite slabs. Lots of drawer and all wood soft touch closing cabinet space with pantry closet too! Two bright bedrooms share a full bathroom with large 6 drawer/2 door marble topped cabinet. Master bedroom features dramatic architectural Master Bath with generous 9 ft. marble topped twin sink vanity and large porcelain tiled natural polished river stone floored walk in shower! Other features include twin storage closets, linen closet, LED lighting thruout, $7,000 custom Solar Hot Water package with two 4x8 rooftop collectors and 80 gallons hot water storage tank with optional automatic electric back up if temp drops below 120 degrees. DRAMATIC BONUS: includes an entrance to the Blair Cave/Lava Tube, a dramatic geological Wonder! and dramatic Live at the cool 2,844 ft. elevation, above the Heat and Bug Zone, just 3 mins. from Historic Volcano Village and 45 mins. from charming Hilo! Volcano is home to the World renowned pre-K thru 12th grade Volcano School of Arts and Sciences located on their new 3.35 acres Keakealani Campus.
11-3127-A Volcano Rd Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Rare Earth Properties
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