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Single Family Home in Pacific Paradise Mountain View Manor - Puna Hawaii
Welcome home as you walk through the double door entry with stained glass accents you will see an inviting living room with a black lava rock working fireplace. Perfect for enjoying a good book or cup of coffee. As you walk to the left you have a formal dining room and another separate living room. Both are conveniently located next to the Kitchen. Cooks will enjoy cooking on the Jenn air stove. This lovely 3 bedroom 2.5 bath home has high vaulted ceilings, new carpet, heat lamps in both bathrooms to keep you toast warm after a hot shower. In the main bedroom you have a walk-in closet with ceder wood lined on the bottom to keep clothes fresh. Sliding doors to an outside partially covered deck where you could put a large hot tub. This cool climate is ideal for growing all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Currently on the property are large Meyer Lemonds, Pomelo and Apple bananas. House and cleared vacant lot next door TMK 3-1-8-84-39 to be sold together. Roof, gutters, and exterior walls have freshly power washed. Home is raised, and cement water catchment is located under the house with ample storage with double doors you can drive your riding lawn mower in. Fenced Dog run
18-4168 Haumalu St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty
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