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Vacant Land in Orchid Land Estates - Puna Hawaii
Close to everything and just over a mile and a half from Hwy 130 on paved Orchidland Dr, your commute will be an easy one!
Just a few feet off of Orchidland Drive on 39th Ave, and a short drive to shopping, towns, and the ocean, enjoy the valuable improvements the seller has installed. A winding driveway is established well into the lot, with several clearings and thousands of dollars worth of base course in place for a solid and lasting driveway. Enjoy the privacy created by the winding driveway and the native plants surrounding the cleared areas.
Orchidland Hardware and shopping center along with Kaleo’s Restaurant are under 2 miles away. It’s a short commute to Hilo and Pahoa once you’re at the highway. Yet you can enjoy a private location with all this nearby! Pristine ohia forest remains all around for natural landscaping and privacy. The right mix of sun and rain at this elevation will make the trees that you plant flourish.
The seller has a small catchment tank, pump and solar system to provide water & power. A
container garden and a kitchen setup that remains with the property will get you started on your path
to independence. The clearings are sited with privacy in mind offering the opportunity for a multi-
purpose homestead sites or for greenhouses, animal shelters, art studio, you name it. Unlimited
The extensive and well built driveway leads all the way to the rear clearing - over 600' from the road. More than 400' of native rainforest remains at the rear of the property for future expansion. Spectacular stargazing on clear nights and watch the hawks and dragonflies hunt during your gorgeous Hawaii days. One to see before you decide where your next home will be!
Please do not enter the property without an appointment; all interested Buyers must also be accompanied by a real estate agent.
16-1660 39Th Ave Kurtistown 96760 is listed Courtesy of Savio Realty Ltd. - Puna Office
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