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Single Family Home
Kaohe Homesteads - Puna
Improved price! Move in ready and waiting for you to make this house a home!
Enjoy the peace and privacy of the Hawaiian forest and live sustainable within the reach of city life! This charming home in Kaohe Homesteads is close to the convenience of town, shopping, restaurants, and schools. It is just far enough away to relax and enjoy nature. South Road is paved all the way to the end making the trip to town easy. The possibilities are endless with 5 agriculturally zoned acres to customize as you wish! The home features bamboo flooring throughout, Granite counter tops in the kitchen and natural slate tiles in bathroom. A lovely slate fireplace in the living area adds warmth and dryness on rainy nights. Catchment water and 9-panel 3.065 KW solar voltaic system makes for a home free of utility bills. Generator included in sale. Solar system was recently inspected, and charge controller was replaced.
*Tent fumigation completed February 2021, property was staked when originally purchased, Stake/survey at buyer's sole expense.
15-278 South Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Koa Realty, Inc.
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