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Single Family Home in Kamaili - Puna Hawaii
Enjoy peace and privacy on this 25-acre parcel, surrounded by virgin forest, with two self-sustaining structures. The property was once used as a meditation retreat center and income-producing farm and has strictly adhered to organic farming methods throughout the years.
The main structure is 2,400 sq ft, and was built as an agricultural greenhouse, but used as living space with its combination of screened and finished walls. There is a separate bedroom space and indoor toilet. The front lanai leads to an above ground swimming pool. There are 3 walk-in closets for storage. The solar system consists of five, 130 watt panels and three, 320 watt panels for 2.8 kw with Outback controller and inverter. Eight batteries remain but are at end of life. Roof was replaced in 2020.
The 1,600 sq ft retreat cabin has a covered lanai, bedroom and outdoor kitchen area.
An additional 2,200 sq ft greenhouse needs some TLC but is still a viable working space.
An 8-person wood burning sauna, work cabins, outdoor bath structures, and sheep barns are also on the property, but may not be in useable condition.
The meadow and orchards need some rehab but were once actively producing avocado, lemon, orange, tangerines, grapefruit, sapote, pomelo, blood orange, lychee, bananas, loquat, mulberry, mac nut, and cacao.
Property is being sold AS IS and is a cash only sale. Property is located in lava zone 1. All offers due by 9:00 am 12/21/2024.
13-3822 Alaili Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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