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Single Family Home in Hwn Paradise Pk - Puna Hawaii
A private distinctive 1 acre property offers a tranquil and self-sufficient lifestyle with a driveway passing through a picturesque array of tropical plants. This two story house features a wrap around screened 1,182 sq.ft. lanai. The living, dining and family room area open with a 16' glass wall (Nana wall) to the lanai. Vaulted ceilings with 8' fans cool the living and lanai areas. Large airy bedrooms at each end of the home have frosted glass French doors, a bathroom with double vessel sinks, a shower, large walk-in closet and double door with in glass blinds to the lanai..All windows except the kitchen have room darkening shades. The truly "cook's kitchen" has a long granite countertop with exceptional storage. Just added, fully owned 14 panels, grid connected photovoltaic system on a newly prepared, painted roof with a 13.5 KWH Tesla power cell. A new solar powered remotely controlled entrance gate is a great addition. An extra long 2 car garage and a charming utility shed provide ample storage. 3 newly added lava rock raised vegetable garden beds allow enthusiasts fresh produce. At least 16 different varieties of fruit trees grow on this special property.
15-2026 17Th Avenue Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Hmsvc Hi Re (808) 792-3910
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