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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates - Puna Hawaii
This ranch-style home sits on a beautifully manicured lawn just minutes from the ocean in Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates! A great first home for the buyer in this community. Many new items in the house and upgrades galore.
? Air Conditioning to full house with individual units to main rooms installed 2021
? Full Yard Fenced with 90% 6 foot white vinyl fencing with lighting and matching white
vinyl gate across drive; back 10% of yard wire fenced
? Solar Gate Opener ($3,000 value) with all components included with two remotes
(needs installed)
? 12’x24’ garage/work shed with cement foundation at back of pr
? Custom blinds all rooms
? Alarm System with property cameras for front, back and side yards
? Stainless Steel Appliances in Kitchen
? Updated Interior Painting
? Keyless Entry to both front, garage, and back doors
? Updated electrical panel
? Satellite TV
*Furnishings are negotiable*
Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates amenities include privately maintained streets, private water supply and Honu Park, with its members-only solar heated swimming pool, tennis courts, playground and BBQ pavilions. Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates has mandatory CC&R'S with annual homeowners association dues currently $385.00 dollars, buyer to pay a $300.00 dollar transfer fee in escrow.
For more information about the subdivision please visit www.hawaiianshores.org.
15-2783 Mahimahi St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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