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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates - Puna Hawaii
Sweet 2 bedroom , 2 bath home located in desirable Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates near the top of the Subdivision within a short walking distance to Da Store and Bus Stop and a quick half mile drive to Keonepoko Elementary School.
There’s also a large covered deck for entertaining friends & family with an attached fully insulated bonus room for your guests, potential rental or hobby room, a full bath and outdoor kitchen area.
Large manicured 20,000-sf lot features citrus trees, areca palms, t-leaves and a lot more space for gardening options.
Gate along the left boundary allows access to additional parking and the back yard.
Front and side boundaries are partially rock wall and chain-linked fenced.
Plus, the many value added conveniences including, well water (no catchment), paved roads, mail delivery, phone/internet services and member exclusive privileges at the Community Association park & swimming pool on Honu Street.
Puna Kai Shopping Center is just a few miles away offering a large grocery store, gas station, fitness center, restaurants and so much more!
The current annual HOA fee is $425 and HOA transfer fee of $300 is paid for by Buyer at closing. For more information, please visit: https://hawaiianshores.org/Hawaiian Shores Community Association.
15-2759 Akule St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Iokua Real Estate, Inc. - Hilo
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