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Single Family Home
Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna
Back on the market at no fault of the sellers! Located walking distance from the Pacific Ocean and breathtaking Maku’u Point, this 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom home on a fully-fenced acre is perfectly suited for tropical living. Entering the home, you are greeted by the over 500 square foot fully screened lanai. Surrounded by tropical vegetation and positioned perfectly to catch the trade winds, this oasis is likely where you will spend most of your time! French doors welcome you to the expansive living space and open kitchen. Soaring wood paneled ceilings, custom cabinets, and large windows and doors are only the beginning.
The gigantic master bedroom is positioned across the living room from the two additional bedrooms, providing for optimal privacy. French doors open onto the lanai, and the ensuite master bath includes a huge walk-in closet. Across the living room, there is a locking glass door that can separate the master bedroom and primary living space from the 2 additional bedrooms and guest bath, allowing for a separate living area, rental, or many other options! The guest bath includes a jetted tub, and the second bedroom even includes a kitchenette with apartment sized refrigerator. Out the back door, there is an additional covered lanai, and over 600 square foot covered carport. The home boasts grid tied solar with battery backup, solar hot water, and even a well (no catchment needed!).
The fully fenced acre is a gardeners dream with much of the planting already done! The incredible variety of tropical fruit includes: Eggfruit, Banana, Papaya, Rollinia, Avocado, Guava, Coconut, Mango, Ulu, Fig, Dragon Fruit, Blackberries, Mulberry, Abiu, Lime, Lemon, Loquat, Orange, Jackfruit, Lilikoi, Jaboticaba, and Pineapple. There is even a chicken coop ready for your flock, and a covered shipping container for storage.
Check out the virtual tour! https://player.vimeo.com/video/946922379?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479
15-1884 2Nd Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Iokua Real Estate, Inc. - Hilo
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