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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
Aloha and Welcome to this turn key opportunity on 3 acres in Hawaiian Acres.
This conveniently located property is only a block off of the pavement and is easily accessed either through Ainaloa from Highway 130 or from Moho Rd (8 Rd) from the Volcano Highway.
Lovingly landscaped property has privacy ensured with a four hundred foot driveway which leads in past grassy lawn, fruit trees, and rock planters, with a Gazebo behind the home.
There is the main home which is a one bedroom with a full bathroom, and a great kitchen,
Also you'll find an ohana cabin ready for your finishing touches.
The property includes the following attributes:
* Totally off grid with 3000w solar panels, 3.8kwh 48v lithium battery, Outback controller and two back up generators!
* Fully furnished with all appliances including electric refrigerator, propane stove, propane dryer, washing machine, microwave, dehumidifier, back up new water pump, and on demand water heater.
* High speed internet with transferable Starlink Satellite Internet, all equipment to transfer.
* Tools for maintaining the yard including a riding mower, and walk behind mower, chainsaw, brush cutter, hedge trimmer, air compressor, rotohammer, Ryobi cordless tools, hand tools, socket set, ladders, gorilla cart, gardening tools, all you need!
* Additional house pad on property with utility poles and loads of cinder in preparation.
* Property pins are visible with three full acres partly landscaped with room for more.
Home is unpermitted.
Clearly there is much to offer and great value with this property and everything that is included.
Come and see it today, bring your suitcase and move on in!
16-2041 Opeapea Rd Mountain View 96760 is listed Courtesy of Big Island Homes & Land Co., Ltd.
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