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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
This beautiful off grid ,Turnkey home is ready for you. Take this opportunity to soak in the serene peacefulness that embraces you as your day starts. The garden is packed with exotic fruit to enhance your Hawaiian lifestyle. Inside the cabin is a living room with two upper lofts above and plenty of natural light. To the side is a sun room and entrance to bedroom and kitchen area. Past the kitchen is the bathroom which has a bathtub and overhead shower recently installed, powered by a new on demand propane hot water heater. New toilet has been installed also. This off grid home offers 3 different size water catchments and plenty of solar power. A brand new IBC tote stands above the outdoor shower and overflow goes into new catchment pool. A new 170 gallon poly tank catches the water from the back of the home. Three solar panels harness the power of the sun to power the 1500 watt Pure Sine Wave inverter. A Midnite charge controller and 2 new sealed Lithium ion batteries power the small fridge and water pump with ease. Plenty of room for more panels on roof for all your power needs. On the side of home is a lockable shed for storage of washer, generator and tools.
In the garden you can enjoy an array of exotic fruits such as Guava, Pineapple, Lemon, Banana, Papaya, Ice cream bean, Avocado, Starfruit, Lychee, Breadfruit, Lilikoi, Peppers, Tomatoes, herbs, Cinnamon, Surinam cherry, Mac nuts and different flowers and rare Orchids growing in many trees!
Property is being Sold As Is and includes some furnishings. Items included are gardening tools, push mower, a washer, one large refrigerator, one small refrigerator, bed, futon, chairs, silverware, pots and pans, lawnmower, water containers, propane stove top burner, and new Ryobi 3400 Generator are included in this amazing opportunity to live with the land!
16-1950 Ao Rd Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Seaview Real Estate
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