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Single Family Home in Hawaii's Eden Roc Estates - Puna Hawaii
Welcome to this charming one bedroom home nestled in the woods in Hawaii's Eden Roc Estates. With a landscaped yard and privacy from the street, this off grid home was designed to offer respite to the owners. Owned solar panels on the roof power the home and a gas powered back-up generator is available should it be needed. Outside a large lanai greets you as you transition into the home where vaulted ceilings enhance the character of the home's interior. A private bedroom and modern bath with a travertine shower complete the home. Furnishings included in the sale. In addition, Hawaiian Tel High Speed Internet is connected the home, making work from home a reality!
Recent improvements to the home include:
3 new solar panels - for a total of 6 solar panels on the roof.
8 new lithium batteries
5,000 gallon catchment tank with food grade liner
New pump
A 15 ft wide by 16 ft deep carport with 12 feet of clearance
Outside, the property is complete with an abundance of fruit trees - bananas, oranges, lime, passion fruit, candle nut, coffee, coconut, papaya, and avocado - along with several types of palms, rainbow eucalyptus, ti leaf and even Norfolk pine. There is even a lava rock grill and picnic table to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.
Imagine zero utility bills along with a perfect environment to grow fresh vegetables right in your own yard year round!
11-1827 Mahina St Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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