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Single Family Home in Fern Acres - Puna Hawaii
This turnkey, fully furnished, offgrid oasis is tucked away approximately 500 feet down a tropically landscaped driveway. This lovely, 30 foot yurt from Pacific Yurts comes fully furnished with many recent upgrades including a 550 sq. ft. zen/yoga room awaiting your finishing touches. There is an electric fireplace for added ambiance as well as covered front and back lanais which give you ample opportunity to enjoy the peaceful outdoors. There is a separate, lava rock shower house conveniently off the spacious back lanai.
The 2 acres are landscaped with many varieties of exotic palms, rainbow eucalyptus, anthuriums in dozens of different shapes and colors, red and torch ginger, heleconia, carnivorous plants, native koa trees, citrus, as well as 8 varieties of bananas. Many different types of orchids are also planted amongst the ohia trees. There is also a duck pond with a waterfall.
In 2009 an incredible lava tube was discoverd on the property. This amazing wonder is lit and walkable for several hundred feet under the earth. Exploration of the cavern highlights many magical forms of stalagmites and stalactites.
Seller terms available with $75,000.00 downpayment. 7% interest for 4 years = payments of @$3448.26.
11-3362 Pikake St Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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