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Vacant Land in Fern Acres - Puna Hawaii
Come check out this improved and ready to build on lot in Fern Acres. The property is located in the back end of the subdivision and also tucked away from the road. The front of the property is fenced with a metal gate for added security. A winding driveway leads you approximately half way down the property to an additional gated and fenced area. This is where all the magic happens! This area has been cleared and prepped for building with an already installed septic system. House plans and permits for a large 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house come with the sale as well. In addition to that, there are 2 unpermitted structures that you can live in while you build your dream house.
One of the unpermitted structures is for storage and bathroom usage and is hooked up into the existing septic system. A separate shed connecting to this structure contains the water pump and water filtration system The second structure is for living with a bedroom, quaint living and kitchen areas, and with the start of an additional bathroom area. This is perfect for weathering the outside elements while you build.
Lots of fruit trees have also been planted which include tamarind, apple bananas, calamansi, meyer lemon, madarin, guava, star apple, pomelo. Additional plants include sugar cane, sweet potato, oregano, plumeria, parsley and anthurium.
Total square footage for the unbuilt permitted plans for the 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house:
~ living area: 1,564 sqft
~ covered lanai: 483 sqft
~ garage area: 1,156 sqft
~ detached water tank shed: 576 sqft
**Permit expires 6/7/2027. Buyer and buyer's agent to perform their own due diligence into transferring permit.
Some furnishings, extra wire fence and additional building material will come with the sale as well as solar panels. A list will be provided during the J-1 period.
No SSPP (see attached from HELCO).
11-2871 Plumeria St Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Homefinders Of Hawaii
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