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Single Family Home in Fern Acres - Puna Hawaii
Live simple in paradise! Move into this 384 sq ft cottage and enjoy the off-grid lifestyle! This is a great starter home with plenty of room to expand. The un-permitted cottage is 1 large room with space for a king size bed, corner office and cozy living room. The kitchen is fully functional! The detached bathroom is accessed through the back door and includes a composting toilet, sink and shower. Bring your imagination for updates and possible expansion.
This gated, but not fenced, two-acre property includes a wonderful greenhouse, covered carport, gardens, and 17 varieties of fruiting trees including citrus, avocado, banana, jackfruit, cacao, breadfruit, and Fuji apple, to name just a few. Plus, you can enjoy delicious white pineapple, lillikoi, 4 varieties of berry vines, mamake (for tea), and even edible bamboo!
Three off-grid systems include a 48v and two 12v solar systems with batteries, plus a 300-gallon water catchment tank, on demand water heater with propane tank, chicken kennel, rooster kennel, gazebo and workshop. A nice front gate, plus newly installed gravel driveway, welcomes you home.
With this blank canvas you can add additional orchards, plant sustainable vegetable and flower gardens, a water feature, pool and/or pond. Bring your chickens, goats, sheep, plus a horse or two! Make this your own paradise within paradise!
This is a standard two-acre rectangle, with all four corners easily visible with stakes.
The thriving community of Mountain View receives plenty of sunshine and liquid sunshine! Live sustainably, yet enjoy privacy with the comfort of neighbors. Amenities are a short drive into town, and just minutes from Keaau where you find schools, shopping centers, restaurants, medical facilities, grocery & hardware stores, pharmacies, parks, police and fire departments, library, and the post office.
*Travel 7 lots down, between power poles 95 & 95 (sign on lot) to view an addl 2-acre lot: MLS 714458
11-2840 Pikake St Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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