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Vacant Land in Aloha Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Aloha and Welcome to this lovely homestead which includes 2 unpermitted Jungalows/Tiny Homes on two separate lots in Aloha Estates on the Big Island, Hawaii. Adjacent parcel, tmk 3-1-8-55-58 listed for $49,000 see MLS # 707873.
The cabins are handcrafted, rustic, quirky, and have a lot of
character, they are built so that you can take in the surroundings.
Seller Financing available with $17,000 down, 8% interest and a maximum of 8 year term.
Each cabin is built on a quarter of an acre parcel, both of them together create an approximately square half an acre. Each cabin is self sufficient and livable with a simple solar system, propane on demand hot water heaters, and propane burners, hot water showers, and simple kitchens. There is room to park a car at the entrance of each parcel.
The neighbors are rather close, but still the cabins feel very private and secluded.
Both cabins are nestled towards the front of the property in a jungle with deep soil consisting of native Ohia trees, giant Hapuu Ferns, producing Guavas, and wild Raspberries.
The back of the properties is a large open grassland ready to house more cabins, or it can be converted into a permaculture garden and organic orchard. You can also easily put it in a swimmable pond. There is already a small pond on the property.
The property is completely off-grid and comes with a tiny water catchment system, and a starter solar system to charge your devices, run the water pumps, and keep the lights on.
No bills!
Both cabins have outdoor showers with hot water and camping toilets that need to be emptied once or twice a month.
The furniture and artwork can be included in the sale.
Hawaiian Telcom Internet is available here as well.
Dimensions of the orange cabin: Living Room/kitchen (8x12), loft (8x5), porch (6x6).
Come and enjoy the simple life offered here, a breath of fresh air, let the zen in...
18-1987 Mahena St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Big Island Homes & Land Co., Ltd.
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