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Single Family Home in Keopu Heights - North Kona Hawaii
High quality, custom designed 2 story, 3 bedroom 3.5 bath cedar home, located in the prestigious Keopu Heights. This unique Haiku house is a modern re-creation of a 16th century pole and beam Japanese summer home. Well constructed and nestled under a colorful dappled sunlit canopy of monkey pod trees, on a private 1.19 acres of mature tropical landscape, at the enviable 900' elevation with downtown and Kona Coastline views.
The impressive great room with soaring beamed ceilings, skylights and oak flooring, contains the dining area, den and spacious kitchen, remodeled in 2020 with granite counters, koa, bamboo and mango cabinets. The primary suite, guest room, two full bathrooms and a 1/2 bath are on the north side of the upper level living space which flows outside to a covered lanai of 1,426 sf that wraps around the entire home and is accessible from all main rooms. The lower level living area, added in 2002 has a one bedroom, one full bath guest quarters with 688 sf of living space, ocean view, private entrance, washer/dryer and granite counter tops.
Haiku Farm, in the heart of the Kona Coffee Belt and surrounded by similar quality custom homes has established, worked orchards containing approximately 250 coffee trees in addition to banana, mango, orange and papaya. A small livestock corral and run were added in 2020. A detached two car garage and ample driveway space provide plenty of parking. There is extensive covered storage and the home is serviced by a solar water system.
This very private property, on a quiet, wide, dead end street is just 7 minutes from Holualoa Village, 15 minutes to downtown Kona, 15 minutes from Costco and 19 minutes from the Kona International Airport. Schedule a showing to see this one of a kind, well maintained tropical beauty.
75-817 Hiona St Holualoa 96725 is listed Courtesy of Koa Realty, Inc.
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