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Single Family Home
Aloha Kona Subdivision - North Kona
Welcome to the vibrant heart of Kailua-Kona, just moments from Alii Drive. This property boasts six units, seven parking spaces, a large storage, two lanais, lush landscaping, and is enveloped by a captivating lava rock wall. The home is in a residential community with great ocean views!
Situated within a residential community, it provides the best of both worlds: a peaceful haven to call home combined with breathtaking ocean views and long-term rental income. Each unit is separately rented out month to month and can offer you many endless possibilities. Maybe you can rent to traveling nurses or provide long-term rentals to residences... Many opportunities are possible with this home!
The six renters enjoy the convenience of a separate laundry area, ample storage space, and an inviting backyard lanai created for BBQs and outdoor gatherings. Plus, a spacious parking lot which can easily accommodate up to 7 cars. The lush landscape provides privacy and fresh fruit to enjoy. Some of the fruit trees are Mango, Logan, Grapefruit, Dragonfruit, Kaffier Lime,and more!
The home was built in 2008 with a cement & post & pier foundation. The home has leased solar with Sunrun (8 years lease to pass to the buyer) and has 46 solar panels installed in 2015 with a HELCO net metering agreement to keep electric bills low!
Please view the matterport, floor plan, and photos to get a better understanding of the home. We also have a pre-home inspection for your convenience. Currently, four of the six units are rented month to month and the tenants would like to stay.
75-228 Aloha Kona Dr Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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