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Single Family Home
Puehuehu - North Kohala
The community Puehuehu in the far-North Kohala District of the Big Island represents the quintessential nature of the area: a blessed peaceful lifestyle, a perfect mix of sunshine and rain, amazing ocean and Maui views, sunsets, and exquisite mature botanical bounty. Located within minutes of the historic and artistic towns of Hawi and Kapaau, these 21.14 acres of naturally fertile, deep Lava Zoned 9 soil is Huapala Farms— lovingly created to grow a wide variety of tropical fruits. The lay of the land offers natural wind protection, easy access off Kynnersley Road bordered on one side by a sun dappled gulch and a deeply wooded valley on the other providing complete seclusion within minutes of services. The next owner may choose to capitalize on the extremely healthy 10+ year old 3-acre test orchard and focus on farming to create a commercially viable small-scale operation, or simply live on one of the absolute best and special pieces of land that North Kohala has to offer.
A hand-built Craftsman cottage of 1,491 sqft awaits you w/White Oak flooring throughout, 2 bed, 2 bath, huge mudroom/pantry, solar hot water and tied to a PV system, 605 sqft covered Trex lanai, and carport.
The 2,742 sqft (approx. 1K sqft of living space) commercially permitted overbuilt barn was inspired by a 1920’s Wyoming treasure. The barn loft alone is overbuilt. Also Craftsman style w/Sitka Spruce detailing. The barn has 40+ solar panels serving both structures, 1 bed, 1 bath, hot water on demand, a 2nd washer/dryer, 240-Watt electric, 2nd porcelain farmhouse sink and best of all…loaded w/farm equipment and tools including a Kubota L47 TLB tractor, two Kubota ZD1211 commercial diesel zero turn mowers and more—all conveyed w/an acceptable offer.
The grounds and interior roads surrounding the property are well maintained and mowed regularly. Water and electric lines are close by and ready for the future main home on a premiere protected site with the best of Maui views.
54-2272 Kynnersley Rd Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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