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Single Family Home in Niulii Village - North Kohala Hawaii
Overlooking the blue pacific, this almost oceanfront property is approx. 700 ft from the cliffside and is just around the corner from Keokea Beach Park. A private location, yet just a 10 minute drive to Kapa'au and Hawi where you have the conveniences of a hospital, dental office, grocery stores, farmers market, restaurants, a public library, and more..
The agricultural land that surrounds the property on 3 sides is owned by a local foundation and is used primarily as a preserve. This lends to the expansive feel and private setting at the property.
Enjoy sunrises and views galore from the many covered lanais, and from almost every room in this plantation style inspired home.
In addition to the 3 bed/2 bath main house, a new one bath studio is attached to the garage offering a separate or additional living space.
A private outdoor shower with unobstructed views is attached to the oversized laundry room, and an 800 sf boat storage/additional parking/workshop area brings even more value to this wonderful property.
Notable improvements include:
Installation of fiber optic internet line to house.
New double paned, vinyl windows and sliding doors throughout.
New Trex decking and vinyl handrails throughout.
The large, main house lanai, as well as the lanais off both the kitchen and studio have been substantially rebuilt.
Stairways to the backyard have been added to the studio lanai and the large, main house lanai.
Replacement of all copper water lines.
Newly painted exterior (10/2021).
Replacement of garage door and opener (02/2023).
Installation of heat/ AC split system units to the two main bedrooms (07/2022).
Newly remodeled kitchen with butcher block countertops, cabinets, appliances, flooring and recessed LED lighting.
Conversion of previous workshop into new, separate one bath studio living space.
Furnishings, including are included with the sale, and a list of tools may be sold separately.
52-206 Bus Stop Rd Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Pacific Brokers, Llc
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