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Vacant Land in Kohala Kai - North Kohala Hawaii
Kohala Kai is an exclusive residential development featuring seven custom oceanfront home sites situated on a total of 63 acres along Hawai'i island's North Kohala Coast. This gated community offers Lot sizes ranging from 5 acres to 28 acres, all with an abundance of wide open space and unobstructed panoramic views to enjoy year round sunsets and seasonal whale watching.
Underground utilities and access to private water are installed to cul de sac entrance to each lot, providing the infrastructure and amenities for creating a private sanctuary with a sense of place that fits your own island lifestyle or retreat.
Conveniently located in close proximity (15-20 minutes) to the towns of Waimea and Hawi, and to the acclaimed white sand beaches, resorts, spas, golf courses, shopping and dining along the Kohala's Gold Coast.
Kohala Kai offers a unique opportunity for investors and for those who value Hawaii's natural beauty.
Notable Features at Lot 2:
* Ridge top building site with wrap around ocean and mountain views, including Maui on a clear day.
* Utilities in place and an abundance of natural resources if a more sustainable lifestyle is desired.
* Swimming, snorkeling, diving, kayaking, fishing and coastal hiking trails are just steps away.
* Daily, colorful sunsets from the comfort of your own home.
* Protective Covenants and Design Guidelines.
* Secure and gated entrance.
HOA fees shall apply and are yet to be determined.
59-3019 Kailani Pl Kawaihae 96743 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Pacific Brokers, Llc
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