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Vacant Land
Piha Homesteads - North Hilo
Pristine forest, streams, and waterfalls with pools await you on this magnificent approx. 17.2 acre property on the Hamakua Coast. The 2nd listing picture is an aerial: stream with waterfalls runs through the middle of the property and is marked in blue, road way runs approx along the South boundary, marked in red.
See the property in the aerial video: bit.ly/410IZdi
Located approximately 20 miles north of Hilo on the lush Hamakua Coast of the Big Island you'll find over 17 private tropical acres. Streams run through the property, offering scenes of classic, tropical Hawai’i. Ohi’a forests and a cool climate provide peace and comfort in this one of a kind private estate. A truly natural setting to build your forever home with all conveniences, and enjoy the beauty of Hawai'i.
The seller had obtained CDUP (Conservation District Use Permit) approval to develop the property with a single family home, and even has home plans. This is your opportunity to build an off-grid getaway from the world. CDUP# HA-3895.
This property is at about 1,700 ft elevation, and is approximately 3 miles up Piha Kahuku Road from the highway. A cell tower is located on Piha Kahuku Rd., which enhances cell phone reception. Most of Piha Kahuku Road is paved, and the last stretch of road leading to the property is graded.
County zoning is Forest Reserve. State Land Use designation is Conservation (Resource subzone). Conservation designation requires a State Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) that allows for a single-family residence and limited land clearing. This process is meant to guarantee that all the development in the area will be mindful of the environment and that no large amounts of land will be cleared for agricultural or business endeavors. Seller can provide a copy of the previously approved CDUA from the State of Hawaii, and the owner next door just completed their permitted home. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!
32-620 Piha Kahuku Rd Ninole 96773 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Brokers Ltd
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