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Vacant Land
Kuwili Lani Subdivision - North Hilo
WELCOME TO OCEAN’S GATE, a premium 1.2-acre parcel. Lot 3 is located at the top of Kuwili Lani, the only fenced and gated agricultural subdivision on the Big Island, providing panoramic ocean views, deep soil, plus at least $40,000 in money-saving improvements! PMM owner-financing option, no prepayment penalty, 50% down, 3-year interest only with balloon.
BUILD YOUR HOME or take advantage of two curated designs:
1) HOA-approved plans for a 1200 sq ft, 3-bed/2-bath home plus detached bedroom suite, garage and pool.
2) two-story circular home plan (subject to HOA review)
OCEAN’S GATE IS LOCATED JUST MINUTES FROM HWY 19, and captures the essence of the rural Hawaii lifestyle. Lot-3 is one of eleven one to 1.5 acre properties. Two homes have already been built, and three custom homesites are currently under construction.
~Installed 4-bedroom septic system ($16 K value)
~Connected high-speed fiber optic Internet, ready for telecommuting
~Connection to the subdivision’s county-supplied potable drinking water system for indoor use. (Rainwater catchment for exterior irrigation and PV power will need to be installed.)
~ 160 LF trellises already in place to begin growing and harvesting a variety of vegetables for market or personal use
~Gated and fenced private entry into the lot
~$300/month HOA dues include unlimited high-speed fiber optic internet ($55/month value) and potable County water ($100/month value)
LOT 3 is the highest elevation lot in Kuwili Lani, affording panoramic ocean views and privacy, cooling breezes, and dark night skies.
LAUPAHOEHOE is situated midway on the picturesque Hamakua Coast. Essential services include a post office, K-12 school, health clinic, police and fire dept, library, community pool, country store and café, and a convenience store/gas station. Approximately 30 minutes to historic Hilo and the airport.
36-3352 Kuwili Lani Pl Laupahoehoe 96764 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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