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Single Family Home in Kapehu Camp - North Hilo Hawaii
Sold Before Print.
This classic Plantation era "camp home" was originally built in the 1930's, and officially included in the County records in 1973 after many infrastructure upgrades to the neighborhood. It was updated in 2019 with all new windows, appliances, flooring and interior and exterior paint. The new owner will have the opportunity to complete the vision! This lovely home is situated on a spacious lot, a half a block from the ocean bluff with limited but nice views of the ocean/ocean horizon/ especially from the deck and kitchen. The large grassy yard has been lovingly planted with hapu fern, ginger, hibiscus, bamboo, red wax palms and a lemon and lime tree which help to create a welcoming and enjoyable outdoor space.
The home sits in a very quiet and friendly neighborhood makai of the hwy. The County bus stops within walking distance and the Papaaloa Country Store and Cafe with US Post Office and gas station are only 5 minutes away. There is a K-12 public charter school and State of Hawaii Library close by along with a County swimming pool, brand new pickle ball/tennis courts and a new gym in the works, making this home ideal for a young family, or a retired person who wants to relax and enjoy the simple gifts in life.
Several home renovations and upgrades are ongoing, using the highest industry standards but being built w/out permits. Buyer is responsible for doing their own due diligence.
Property comes with an extensive inventory of quality tools/machines, furniture and a 2009 Nissan Frontier truck that has been carefully maintained and serviced. All items are negotiable.
35-470 Koi Loop Papaaloa 96780 is listed Courtesy of Equity Hawaii Real Estate Llc
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